Uni-Solar » Real Stories » Fresh + Easy
Fresh + Easy


Customer: Tesco | Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market Distribution Center

Location: Riverside, California

Completion Date: March 2008

System Components: 2,456/ea Solar Integrated SI816G1 Solar Panels, 8/ea SatCon AE-225-60-PVA inverters

System Peak Capacity: 2,004.096 kW (DC STC)


UNI-SOLAR’S thin-flim, lightweight and building integrated solar panels were a perfect solution for the 820,400 square-foot distribution center. At 500,000 square feet, the solar panel installation by UNI-SOLAR is the size of five football fields and is considered to be one of the largest roof-mounted solar installations in North America.

Rated at 2,693 MWh per annum, the system is currently generating up to 50% of the distribution center’s power requirements on a daily basis. Tesco’s Fresh & Easy is so proud of its green roof that it provides a live feed of the solar panel’s energy output that can be viewed 24-hours-a-day on its website at freshandeasy.com.


  • To date, the system has provided more than 5,800 MWh of energy – enough to power more than 830 typical homes, 11,600 televisions, 5,823 refrigerators or 27,730 light bulbs.
  • The UNI-SOLAR powered roof generates up to 50% of the building’s power requirements on a daily basis.
  • Tesco is saving its community from more than 5,000 tons of CO2 emissions each year.